W. Alvin New
W. Alvin New is a member of the Texas Transportation Commission, which oversees statewide activities of the Texas Department of Transportation. New is a business investor, rancher and former San Angelo Mayor.
New is a life-long resident of West Texas and was born in Brownfield. He has lived mostly in or near San Angelo since 1981.
New spent most of his career with Town & Country Food Stores. He started as a clerk while getting his business administration degree from Angelo State University. New worked his way up to chief executive officer and part owner. He and his partners sold their stake in the convenience store chain about a decade ago. He currently serves as a member of the Texas Tech University Foundation Board and the Goodfellow Air Force Base Advisory Council. New earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration in management from Angelo State University. Commissioner New was appointed Feb. 20, 2018, and re-appointed April 8, 2021. His second term will expire February 2027.