FM 528 Extension
The TxDOT Houston District proposes to expand FM 528 from SH 35B (Gordon Street) to SH 6 in the City of Alvin in Brazoria County. TxDOT will construct a new two-lane undivided roadway, partially on a new location, as well as build a grade separation (overpass) over the existing Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway.
Current conditions
FM 528 is currently a two-lane undivided roadway.
Proposed improvements
The proposed project would consist of building a new two-lane undivided roadway, partially on new location, with a new grade separation (overpass) over the existing Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) Railway. The proposed project is approximately 0.9-mile in length. New signalized intersections at SH 35B (Gordon Street) and SH 6 will also be constructed. The purpose of the proposed project is to increase safety, improve traffic operations, increase emergency access and reduce traffic delay along a congested and developing FM 528 corridor.
Additional right of way would be required for the proposed project; no displacements or relocations would be required.
This study is a partnership between the City of Alvin and TxDOT.