Open House - US 59 Corrigan Relief Route
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Open House - US 59 Corrigan Relief Route

Where: Corrigan-Camden High School Cafeteria
504 S. Home St.
Corrigan, TX 75939
When: Thursday, Dec. 17, 2015
4 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Purpose: TxDOT is hosting an open house regarding the US 59 Corrigan Relief Route (future I-69). This event is being held to display the proposed alignment, explain where TxDOT is within the project development process, answer questions and gather input. The open house will be held in a come-and-go format where you can visit with TxDOT staff one-on-one regarding the project.
Description: On Aug. 5, 2014, TxDOT held an open house exhibiting three alternative routes for the US 59 Corrigan Relief Route (Future I-69). Results of the open house showed that approximately 70 percent of commenters supported the W2 alternative.  Since that time, TxDOT has been working to refine the W2 alternative to avoid impacting the new Roy O’Martin OSB plant. The proposed project would include constructing new US 59 northbound and southbound mainlanes, ramps and overpasses.  It would be designed to meet interstate standards for possible future designation as I-69 and would:
  • Enhance safety by providing a freeway that will serve as a relief route for US 59 (future I-69)
  • Relieve congestion and delays at the intersection of US 287
  • Improve mobility along the US 59 corridor
  • Provide a more efficient hurricane evacuation route
Funding has been allocated for the preliminary development of I-69 in the Corrigan area and is being used for environmental studies, schematic design and right-of-way acquisition. At this time, there is no funding for construction. For additional information or if you have any questions, please visit I-69 Polk County page.

If you plan to attend the open house and have special communication or accommodation needs, please call Rhonda Oaks, TxDOT Public Information Officer, at (936) 633-4395 no later than Dec. 10, 2015, to request assistance.

The environmental review, consultation and other actions required by applicable federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by TxDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated Dec. 16, 2014, and executed by FHWA and TxDOT.

Contact: TxDOT Public Information Officer
1805 N. Timberland Drive
Lufkin, TX 75901

(936) 634-4395