Bicycle and pedestrian count resources
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Bicycle and pedestrian count resources

TxDOT’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Program has compiled a set of resources to answer your questions about non-motorized counting, from site selection and counter setup to quality control and data uses. Check back frequently as this page is continuously updated with the latest guidance from TxDOT and best practices found in research.

Count site selection and installation

For specific guidance on site selection, including identifying count sites and installing permanent and short-duration count equipment, see Module 1 of TxDOT’s bicycle and pedestrian count training below. You may also review the following videos:

Texas Bicycle and Pedestrian Count Exchange (BP|CX)

TxDOT and researchers have developed an online count exchange to import, manage, quality review, factor, and export bicycle and pedestrian count data for use. Contributors must register through the BP|CX to submit data. Contact us for more information.

Using bicycle and pedestrian count data

Resources are available to assist with adjusting short-term and crowd-sourced counts and using count data to assist with policy, planning, and design decisions.

  • For specific guidance on adjusting short-term counts to estimate average annual use as well as factoring crowd-sourced data, see the Guide for Seasonal Adjustment and Crowdsourced Data Scaling (Report 0-6927-P6, December 2018). This short read provides a practitioner’s a guide for applying seasonal adjustment factors to short duration counts as well as scaling crowdsourced data samples to represent total biking activity.

Bicycle and pedestrian count training

TxDOT and researchers have developed training on collecting, visualizing, and using pedestrian and bicyclist count data.

Talk to an expert

We encourage you to take a look at the resources on this page to answer any questions you may have, but if you can’t find your answer, ask an expert.

TxDOT guidance for pedestrian and bicyclist counts

Report and research

Report Description
Project Summary Report
Report 0-6927-PSR, August 2018

Two-page summary of TxDOT Research Project 0-6927, which outlined a pedestrian and bicyclist count monitoring process and developed a consolidated database of pedestrian and bicyclist counts.

Improving the Amount and Availability of Pedestrian and Bicyclist Count Data in Texas
Report 0-6927-R1, February 2019

A comprehensive research report describing the state of practice, monitoring process, site selection, counter equipment, pilot tests, crowdsourced data, seasonal adjustment factors, and the statewide database.

Key national guidance for pedestrian and bicyclist counts


Report Description
FHWA 2022 Traffic Monitoring Guide Chapter 4 Traffic Monitoring for Non-Motorized Traffic
  • Automatic counter technology and equipment
  • Systematic monitoring using combination of permanent and short-duration count sites
  • Non-motorized traffic patterns
  • Standardized non-motorized traffic data format
Coding Nonmotorized Station Location Information in the 2016 Traffic Monitoring Guide Format Report FHWA-HEP-17-011, 2016
  • Extensive guidance and interpretation on the standardized non-motorized traffic data format and attributes in the Traffic Monitoring Guide
  • Relevant for submitting non-motorized count data to FHWA’s Travel Monitoring Analysis System
FHWA Bicycle-Pedestrian Count Technology Pilot Project - Summary Report Report FHWA-HEP-17-012, 2016
  • Automatic counter technology and equipment
  • Identifying suitable count locations
  • Practical lessons learned in collecting and using count data
Guidebook on Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection NCHRP Report 797, 2014
  • Systematic monitoring of counts
  • Automatic counter technology and equipment, calibration and validation, and technology evaluation
Methods and Technologies for Pedestrian and Bicycle Data Collection: Phase 2 NCHRP Web-Only Document 229, 2016
  • Extensive and most up-to-date evaluation of automatic counter technology
Exploring Pedestrian Counting Procedures: A Review and Compilation of Existing Procedures, Good Practices, and Recommendations Report FHWA-HPL-16-026, May 2016
  • Automatic counter technology and equipment
  • Automatic counter validation and calibration
  • Recommended count practices for various facility types
  • Data management procedures (quality assurance, metadata, data analysis)
Innovation in Bicycle and Pedestrian Counts: A Review of Emerging Technology Alta Planning + Design, 2016
  • Automatic counter technology and equipment
  • Innovative and emerging technology for non-motorized counts

Other bicycle and pedestrian count programs

Other states, cities, and universities have also created nonmotorized count repositories that can be viewed online.

Counts in use or research

Texas nonmotorized counts are being used in research and news reporting. See how counts across the state are being used.

Research/use case

Research/Use Case Description
How did outdoor biking and walking change during COVID-19?: A case study of three U.S. cities (January 2021)

An examination of how stay-at-home orders in three cities, including Houston, impacted outdoor physical activity patterns.