Public Meeting - San Antonio District Rural Transportation Improvement Program
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Public Meeting - San Antonio District Rural Transportation Improvement Program


TxDOT San Antonio District Office
4615 NW Loop 410
San Antonio, Texas 78229 (Map)


Thursday, May 24, 2018
5 p.m. - 7 p.m.


TxDOT San Antonio District will conduct a public meeting to provide information concerning the rural portions of the district which includes Atascosa, Bandera, Frio, Kendall, Kerr, McMullen, Medina, Uvalde, and Wilson counties. The meeting will be an open house format so the public may come and go at their convenience, and staff will be available to answer questions.


The TIP is the mechanism used by TxDOT and FHWA to fund projects for the next four years and includes all federally and state funded projects. The proposed TIP may be viewed at the District Office at 1805 N. Timberland Drive in Lufkin, Texas, prior to the meeting. This meeting is being held pursuant to Title 43, Texas Administrative Code, Section 16.102, which calls for an opportunity for public comments concerning the program.

Special accommodations: Persons interested in attending the public meeting that have special accommodation needs or communication needs, including interpreters, are encouraged to contact (210) 615-5902no later than five days prior to the public meeting. TxDOT will make every reasonable effort to accommodate these needs.

Comments must be received on or before June 4, 2018, to be a part of the official public meeting record.



TxDOT San Antonio District
4615 NW Loop 410
San Antonio, TX 

(210) 615-5839

Posted: April 30, 2018