As Spring Break Proves Deadly Each Year, TxDOT Pushes Alcohol Awareness Campaign
TxDOT reminds Spring Breakers about harsh, long-term consequences of drinking. (Photo available for download here.)
AUSTIN – Spring Break is a dangerous and deadly time on Texas roadways with more than 30 fatalities resulting from impaired driving in each of the past two years. In an effort to curb this deadly trend, the Texas Department of Transportation today held a press conference at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi (TAMUCC) to launch its statewide “DWI Hangovers Don’t Go Away” campaign reminding young adults and college students about the dangers and long-term consequences of drinking.
“Many of these young people are under 21 and it is against the law for them to drink alcohol,” said TxDOT Executive Director LtGen Joe Weber, USMC (Ret). “Every deadly crash is a tragedy, but it’s especially difficult when the promising future of a young person is suddenly cut short. We ask parents to talk to their kids about the deadly consequences of drinking and driving. Don’t let your child be a Spring Break statistic.”
Today’s press conference featured TxDOT representatives alongside area law enforcement officials. A street team on Segways later rode throughout the TAMUCC campus to interact with students and hand out educational materials. The Segway street team will continue to spread its message of safety and sobriety to other college campuses and community events across the state.
In 2014, there were 24,175 impaired-driving traffic crashes in Texas that resulted in 2,292 serious injuries and 969 deaths. Of those crashes, 54 percent involved drivers under the influence of alcohol in the age group of 17-34.
The Segway campaign team will appear at the following events:
- San Antonio: University of Texas at San Antonio, March 4
- Beaumont: Lamar University, March 11
- Dallas: St. Patrick’s Day Parade on Greenville Ave., March 14
- Austin: South by Southwest, March 18
- South Padre Island, March 21
For more information, contact TxDOT Media Relations at or (512) 463-8700.
The information contained in this report represents reportable data collected from the Texas Peace Officer's Crash Report (CR-3). This information was received and processed by the department as of February 12, 2015.