TxDOT Seeks Public Input on I-20 East Texas Draft Implementation Plan
AUSTIN – The Texas Department of Transportation is hosting Virtual Open House meetings to seek public feedback on the I-20 East Texas Corridor Draft Implementation Plan. These online information sessions provide the public with a summary of the study, including proposed highway improvements, and welcome questions and comments electronically.
The I-20 East Texas Corridor Study evaluated the current safety and capacity needs along I-20 from I-635 in Dallas to the Texas/Louisiana state line. This corridor currently serves as an integral east-west connection for both travel and trade in Texas. As the interstate ages and trade increases, identifying opportunities for improvement becomes more critical. Assessing the current corridor conditions and identifying future growth potential are important to ensuring this route meets the needs of the region for decades to come.
The Draft Implementation Plan resulting from this study provides programmatic recommendations along the I-20 corridor, as well as project-level recommendations categorized into Near-Term (2015-2020), Mid-Term (2021-2030), and Long-Term (2031-2040) phases.
In addition, information about the plan along with comment forms will be available in person at seven locations along the 155-mile corridor. TxDOT will accept comments until Nov. 7, 2014.
To review and comment on this plan:
- Access the Virtual Open House at: www.surveymonkey.com/s/I-20
- Via the TxDOT YouTube channel: youtu.be/3L4V2b8SfqY
- Access the project’s web page at: www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/projects/studies/statewide/i20-east-corridor.html
To review materials in person, visit the following locations:
Texas Travel Information Center
1255 Interstate 20
Waskom, TX 75692
Canton Visitors Bureau
119 N Buffalo St
Canton, TX 75103
Terrell Chamber of Commerce Visitors Center
1314 Moore Ave
Terrell, TX 75160
Longview Convention and Visitors Bureau
410 N Center St
Longview, TX 75601
Gateway Travel Plaza
4403 Texas 42
Kilgore, TX 75662
Tyler State Park
789 Park Road 16
Tyler, TX 75706
Tyler Chamber of Commerce
315 N Broadway Ave #100
Tyler, TX 75702
For media inquiries, contact TxDOT Media Relations at MediaRelations@txdot.gov or (512) 463-8700.