TxDOT Issues Winter Weather Warning - Discourages Unecessary Travel
AUSTIN – The calendar says March, but people in Texas are experiencing the effects of winter storm Titan. The Texas Department of Transportation is issuing a travel advisory, discouraging unnecessary driving in north and north central Texas and other parts of the state. The storm, including icy conditions, freezing rain, and rain, is affecting areas in TxDOT districts that include Amarillo, Lubbock, Abilene, Brownwood, Childress, San Angelo, Odessa, Wichita Falls, Dallas, Fort Worth, Paris, Waco and Austin. Later today areas in the Tyler, Lufkin, and Atlanta districts could be impacted as well. With wet and icy precipitation happening today, drivers should expect that those conditions will worsen as temperatures drop overnight.
Sleet, ice and freezing rain can create extremely dangerous driving conditions, which is why the Texas Department of Transportation strongly advises drivers to stay off the roads as much as possible. If drivers must be on the road, please remember to:
- Reduce speed
- Increase following distance
- Use extra caution on bridges, ramps, overpasses
- Stay back at least 200 feet from vehicles treating roadways
- If you start to slide, ease off the gas pedal or brakes and steer in to direction of skid
- Avoid unnecessary travel
Also, refer all road condition inquiries to:
- TxDOT’s toll-free highway condition line at (800)-452-9292
- TxDOT’s facebook page (Facebook.com/TxDOT)
- and/or TxDOT’s Twitter account (Twitter.com/TxDOT)
For media inquiries, contact TxDOT Media Relations at MediaRelations@txdot.gov or
(512) 463-8700.