Congestion Relief on the Way for San Antonio Motorists Traveling Western Loop 1604
Request for Proposals approved to solicit project developer for design and construction
AUSTIN — Driving around San Antonio took another step forward for area motorists today as the Texas Transportation Commission approved issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFP) to develop a design-build project for the Loop 1604 Western Expansion project.
The project will expand approximately 4.7 miles of the roadway to a four-lane, non-toll highway between SH 16/Bandera Road and FM 471. The construction also will add bridge interchanges at Shaenfield, New Guilbeau and Braun roads with an option to complete development through the SH 151 interchange.
Overall, the $120 million project will improve mobility, traffic operations and safety by expanding Loop 1604 from a four-lane divided roadway to a four-lane expressway with continuous frontage roads.
“This puts us one step closer to bringing traffic relief to San Antonio motorists in this area where congestion is increasingly heavy right now,” said Phil Wilson, TxDOT executive director. “We pledge to continue utilizing the local citizen input that has allowed the project to advance to this stage of development.”
TxDOT received authority from the Texas Legislature to develop up to three design-build transportation projects per year. This allows the department to contract with a single private sector provider for design and construction of transportation projects in excess of $50 million.
The RFP will solicit proposals from infrastructure development firms interested in entering into a design-build contract. It is anticipated that a contract can be executed with the best-value proposer later this year.