Workforce and Economic Opportunities Subcommittee
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Workforce and Economic Opportunities Subcommittee


Focus on the impacts of connected and automated vehicles (CAV) and related technologies on the full spectrum of the Texas workforce.  Additionally, it will explore ways that CAV technologies development and deployment can help grow the Texas economy and will consider any new opportunities for the expansion of new career fields.


The graphic below represents a broad range of topics applicable to the Data, Connectivity, Cyber Security, and Privacy Subcommittee.  These topics were determined during the initial activities and discussions by each Task Force subcommittee.  Some topics may be shared with other subcommittees.  Each year, subcommittees pick a particular emphasis area(s) to help advance the connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) environment within the state of Texas and help develop a product on that topic.  This graphic may be updated over time as the nature of the CAV environment changes.


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