Task force
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Task force

We’re putting the best minds together to drive CAV forward.

Connected and automated vehicles (CAV) continue to be a growing area of interest in the state of Texas. Pilots are popping up in cities across the state, as well as on long stretches of roadways in rural areas. In order to help prepare Texas for what is coming, Governor Greg Abbott directed TxDOT to establish a statewide CAV Task Force.

This task force is designed to provide the state with a single, unified resource for information regarding the coordination and advancement of CAV technologies across the state. Members include representatives from other state agencies and public entities, as well as key industry stakeholders.

Meeting notes and products
2020 - 2023 documents

Task force mission

Prepare the state for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) advancements:

  • By serving as the primary coordination and information source for CAV technology use and testing in Texas;​
  • By exploring and serving as the source to inform the public and leaders on current and future CAV advancements and what they mean in Texas;
  • By reporting on current status, future concerns and how these technologies are changing future quality of life and well-being; ​
  • By championing Texas as a leader, knowing how to best prepare and wisely integrate these technologies in a positive way;
  • By promoting positive development and experiences for the state.

Task force scope

  • Conduct bi-annual meetings, synced with legislative cycle, defining specified tasks.
  • Track surface and air transportation connected and autonomous vehicle technology and enablers such as telecoms, and future infrastructure. ​
  • Future considerations could include Alternative Fuel Vehicles/Electric Vehicles (AFV/EV) and Road-Usage Charging (RUC), as they are strongly being considered for AV.
  • ​Initially, focused solely on CAV and not including future mobility technologies such as Hyperloop, gondolas etc.