Downtown 10
Bicycle and Pedestrian
TxDOT has started a project to look at improvements to I-10 between Executive Center Boulevard and State Loop 478 (Copia Street) in El Paso, Texas. This project, also known as Downtown 10, is targeting a multimodal approach which includes consideration to bicycle and pedestrian amenities within the study area.
Section 106 – Historical and Cultural Resources
TxDOT has started a project to look at improvements to I-10 between Executive Center Boulevard and State Loop 478 (Copia Street) in El Paso, Texas. This project, also known as Downtown 10, does have historic places adjacent to the interstate, and we would like your help to preserve that history. Public participation is the cornerstone of effective government and we know that Texans value the places that reflect a community’s history. Your participation in historic preservation at TxDOT is guided by Sec. 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.