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Thank you for your submission. When submitting your complaint, you may receive an error message. However, the complaint will be received and investigated.

Please note that TxDOT does not maintain roads, sidewalks, pedestrian or bike paths in cities within city/town or county jurisdiction. Contact your local authorities for all repair requests. Submit a separate report for each request. For road conditions requiring immediate attention call 800-558-9368.

Contact Form

Fields with an * are mandatory

1 What can we help you with?

Please select valid issue
Enter in an address and click on the map to drop a pin and confirm the location. The map must be clicked to confirm and submit.
Please select a place by dropping a pin or by using search
Please provide more information
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2 How should we follow up with you?

First Name is Mandatory, no special characters
Last Name is Mandatory, no special characters
Add Valid Email Address
Phone number must be in this format: xxx-xxx-xxxx

Please be aware that all information (except your email address) that you submit on this form is subject to public disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act.

We have received your water draining report located near 200 East 11th Street in Austin, TX. .We will respond to your submission in 4-10 days.


Para las condiciones de la carretera que requieren atención inmediata

Llame al 800-558-9368

Horario de oficina

De 8 a.m. a 5 p.m. CST de lunes a viernes

Distrito de El Paso
De 8 a.m. a 5 p.m. MST de lunes a viernes


Línea gratuita: 800-558-9368
Austin: (512) 463-8588
TDD/TTY: (711) o 800-735-2988


Departamento de Transporte de Texas
125 East 11th St.
Austin, TX 78701

Cuando nos escriba, incluya su nombre y dirección (número de teléfono y correo electrónico opcionales) y la inquietud o acción que está solicitando.

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