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Dallas Bicycle Program

Bicycling is an inexpensive and efficient form of transportation. Riding a bicycle may help reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality within our community. Bicycling can also improve your health and well-being through regular exercise. Every transportation agency, including TxDOT, has the responsibility to improve conditions and opportunities for bicycling and to integrate bicycling into our transportation systems.

It is TxDOT’s policy to consider bicyclists in the development of transportation projects, as part of design, construction and maintenance of state roadways and in the development of federally funded transportation projects. Bicycles are considered to be vehicles and bicyclists are required to adhere to the rules of the road.

The TxDOT Dallas District works with local entities, such as cities and counties, to identify bicycle and pedestrian connectivity projects, and to implement and improve safety and connectivity between current and planned regional transportation networks. The planning and development process is typically guided by standards and guidelines based on leading practices and feasibility for developing bicycling and walking facilities. For information on project requirements for Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodation, click here.

TxDOT involves the general public on bicycle-related matters through public involvement and its Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC).

Public Involvement generally includes Public Meetings, Public Hearings, and Notices providing opportunities for public comment. These activities are generally handled at the TxDOT District level on a reoccurring basis in accordance with Texas Administrative Code - Title 43, Part 1, Chapter 25, Subchapter D, Rule § 25.55 (b).

In the consideration of pedestrian and bicycle accommodations, public input (when applicable) as well as bicycle and pedestrian accommodation plans produced by city, county, and metropolitan planning organizations shall be considered. Local bicycle and pedestrian interest groups can also be contacted for public input.

TxDOT’s BAC is an 11-member committee approved by the Texas Transportation Commission. Members are selected to serve a 3-year term (September 1 through August 31). TxDOT makes an announcement annually to its 25 District Bicycle Coordinators to seek new BAC members. TxDOT and the Commission strive for a committee that is geographically balanced and professionally diverse, as well as knowledgeable about bicycle accommodations and about transportation and transportation funding. For a list of the current BAC members, click here.

TxDOT has a Statewide Bicycle Coordinator and designated District Bicycle Coordinators in each of its 25 districts that serve as a local point of contact on bicycle-related issues. In addition, large Metropolitan Planning Organizations, like the North Central Texas Council of Governments, have staff to support the consideration of bicyclists as part of regional transportation planning.

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