Programa de Gestión de Aguas Pluviales
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Programa de Gestión de Aguas Pluviales

The Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) is a comprehensive program to manage the quality of discharges from the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). TxDOT uses a statewide SWMP to maintain compliance with TCEQ permit WQ0005011000.

Minimum control measures

The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality requires that the SWMP must contain a specified number of minimum control measures (MCMs).

Required minimum control measures

MCM No. MCM Name
1 Public education, outreach and involvement
2 Illicit discharge detection and elimination
3 Construction site stormwater runoff control
4 Post-construction stormwater management in areas of new development and redevelopment
5 Pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations

Best management practices

In order to meet each required minimum control measure, TxDOT utilizes best management practices (BMPs). Examples BMPs include:

  • Public education and outreach to prevent litter.
  • Installation of structural controls.
  • Maintenance procedures to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants.
  • Operating procedures.
  • Treatment requirements.
  • Practices to control facility site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage areas.

TxDOT utilizes various BMPs applicable to each MCM as displayed below. The BMP examples below indicate one of many BMPs TxDOT utilizes. The implementation column describes how the BMP is implemented to meet each of the respective MCMs.

BMP examples

MCM BMP example Implementation
MS4 Maintenance Activities Structural Control Maintenance Inspect structural controls to determine the need for maintenance, repair, or replacement and schedule follow-up actions as necessary.
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Update Storm Sewer Outfall Map Map and screen all outfalls in MS4 areas.
Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping Waste Handling

Ensure proper disposal of litter and debris removed from roadways by litter collection and/or street sweeping.

Ensure proper disposal of spoil materials removed during maintenance of drainage ditches and structural controls.

Construction Site and Stormwater Runoff Compliance with the CGP Develop and implement plan to ensure and monitor compliance and require contractors to comply with the CGP.
Public Education, Outreach and Involvement Don't Mess with Texas Programs Continue Don't mess with Texas programs, including Adopt-a-Highway and the Texas Trash-Off.
Monitoring and Screening Programs Dry Weather Screening Utilize Advanced Outfall Tracking System (AOTS).

Public involvement

TxDOT invites the public to ask questions about the Stormwater Management Program. Contact us with questions or to request additional information. Information is also available on how you and your family can help prevent stormwater pollution.

More information

The documents linked below detail the program, including the overall program for the permit term, and each year’s activities and goals throughout the term.
Title Date Description
TxDOT Stormwater Management Program 02/18 Describes TxDOT’s MS4 program and TxDOT’s obligations to meet permit requirements in TCEQ permit WQ0005011000
TxDOT SWMP Year 1 Annual Report 02/18

Describes activities undertaken to meet the SWMP

Volume 1

Volume 2

TxDOT SWMP Year 2 Annual Report 02/19 Describes activities undertaken to meet the SWMP
TxDOT SWMP Year 3 Annual Report 02/20 Describes activities undertaken to meet the SWMP
TxDOT SWMP Year 4 Annual Report 02/21 Describes activities undertaken to meet the SWMP
TxDOT SWMP Year 5 Annual Report 02/22 Describes activities undertaken to meet the SWMP
TxDOT SWMP Year 6 Annual Report 02/23 Describes activities undertaken to meet the SWMP