FM 365 Bridge Replacement at Rhodair Gully
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FM 365 Bridge Replacement at Rhodair Gully

The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is proposing to replace the FM 365 bridge and approaches at Rhodair Gully, from approximately 275 feet east of Bordages Road to approximately 1,100 feet west of Jade Avenue in Jefferson County, Texas. 

Proposed benefits

The proposed project is anticipated to improve safety for the traveling public and bring the bridge design to current standards.

Proposed improvements

The proposed project would extend approximately 0.65 miles along FM 365 where the existing bridge over Rhodair Gully will be removed and replaced with a new bridge. The proposed bridge alignment will be shifted south of the existing FM 365 alignment. An 8-foot outside shoulder would be included in both the east and westbound directions.

Storm levee flood gates closed during storm events are located 180 feet east of the existing Rhodair Gully Bridge. The flood gates will be removed and the opening in the seawall will be closed with construction of a storm protection levee. Once completed, the permanent levee at this location will provide uninterrupted access to FM 365, including during storm events. Presently, FM 365 access is sometimes restricted during storm events.

Approximately 4.146 acres of right of way will be required; however, no residential or non-residential structures are anticipated to be displaced.

Timeline/next steps

At this time, TxDOT anticipates one lane will remain open on the bridge throughout project construction. Although plans are preliminary and subject to change, it is expected that construction will begin in winter of 2026 and last two years. Construction at the flood gate will be scheduled outside of hurricane season.

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