Open House - Pleasant Run Road
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Open House - Pleasant Run Road

Where: Wilmer Community Center
101 Davidson Plaza
Wilmer, TX
When: Tuesday, June 28, 2011
5:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Purpose: A public meeting for the proposed Pleasant Run Road grade separation project at Millers Ferry Road and Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) in the city of Wilmer in Dallas County.

Note: Representatives from TxDOT, its consulting engineer and the City of Wilmer will be available in an informal open house setting to answer questions about the proposed project.

Description: Proposed improvements include the following:
  • Grade separating Pleasant Run Road over Millers Ferry Road and the UPRR,
  • Realigning and widening Pleasant Run Road from a two-lane undivided section to a four-lane urban section,
  • Constructing of an intersection at Wolf Creek Boulevard with connecting roads to Clayton Crossing subdivision and Millers Ferry Road
  • Adding a left-turn lane on Millers Ferry Road at the connector.


  • Approximately 17.2 acres of additional right-of-way (ROW) and 2.1 acres of easements are needed to accommodate the proposed improvements and project construction.
  • The proposed ROW acquisition would impact undeveloped property and commercial property in the project area.
  • No business or residential properties would be displaced.


The proposed project is located within an area outside of 500-year floodplain of Cottonwood Creek and would not encroach on the floodplain.

No water features or wetlands, natural or constructed, are located within the proposed construction limits.

The proposed project would impact maintained vegetation (grasses and forbs) on undeveloped property and commercial property.


TxDOT Dallas District
Phone:  (214) 320-4480
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