Segment 3A - Design Refinements & Structural Caps
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Segment 3A - Design Refinements & Structural Caps

TxDOT is partnering with METRO on a plan that would take the METRORail Red Line from the nearby Wheeler Transit Station across I-69. In addition to providing 3 light rail tracks, new bus turnouts and platforms will be installed along Fannin St. and across I-69. Above is a rendering of what this proposed idea would look like.

What is a cap?

A cap is the concrete infrastructure required to build a roadway at natural ground level over a highway that is below ground level. The cap also provides the opportunity for the “Art of The Possible.” Through public and private funding partnerships, the cap can become an iconic destination for the community. The exhibits below demonstrate possible cap features that can be employed to define how the community can repurpose the space. You can either utilize the QRC or fill out a comment form to provide feedback.

Wheeler/Caroline cap

The Wheeler/Caroline cap is being used as an example here, but all the potential amenities could be added to each of the structural caps in Segment 3A.

FEIS approved

Proposed changes*

  1. Extend Cleburne St. across I-69, preserving this important connection between Third Ward and Midtown
    • Community request and VRA commitment
  2. Develop potential roadway cap between Almeda Rd. and Cleburne St.
    • City of Houston and management districts request
  3. Develop potential roadway cap extension opportunity, which would increase the cap area from Wheeler Ave. and Caroline St. to include San Jacinto and Austin streets.
  4. Develop potential roadway cap extention opportunity which would increase the cap area to the west of the METRORail crossing, and to the east of the Fannin St. crossing.
    • Requested by METRO, City of Houston, and management districts
  5. Shorten I-69 southbound frontage road to end at Cleburne St.
    • Requested by City of Houston and management districts
    • Enhanced bicycle/pedestrian opportunities in space where frontage road removed
  6. Remove proposed I-69 northbound frontage road between La Branch St. and Almeda Rd.
    • Requested by City of Houston and management districts
    •  Proposed frontage road creates adverse cross street intersections and does not enhance access and operations
    • Enhanced bicycle/pedestrian opportunities in space where frontage road removed
  7. Build specialized retaining walls due to high groundwater and excavation depth.
    • Impacts amount of right of way required

These walls will be diaphragm walls or “D-Walls” for short. They are built deep into the ground in solid concrete rectangular sections which are interlocked with watertight vertical joints. Horizontal rods called tiebacks help stabilize these walls.

 * NEPA reevaluations will be performed as needed when proposed changes deviate from the FEIS

Caps - The art of the possible

Wheeler/Caroline cap proposal

The Wheeler/Caroline Cap Proposal image is one of many options for how the various features and amenities could be laid out in the cap spaces

Possible cap features & amenities