Table of Contents

Travel and Per Diem (300)

A short description of the travel costs must be typed in the Description box as this is a required field.

Enter all travel expenses for the reporting period in the appropriate rows.

Indicate whether the costs are to be reimbursed by TxDOT or reflected as local Match by allocating the amounts in the appropriate TxDOT or Match boxes.

Enforcement Mileage

Note: eGrants reminds the subgrantee of the enforcement mileage rate that was established in the proposal by stating the proposed mileage rate was ___ on the Travel and Per Diem RFR page.

Enter the organization’s enforcement mileage rate in the Unit Price box and number of miles in the Quantity box.

Click on the Save button to calculate the total cost.

Allocate the amount by entering the TxDOT and Match amounts in the appropriate boxes.

Once completed, click the Save button.

Note: Each agency has developed an Operational Cost per Vehicle Mile Rate for non-personal vehicle usage. Once this rate has been established, an agency may then be reimbursed according to the subgrantee's rate, not to exceed the state vehicle mileage rate.

Note: The State of Texas reimbursable mileage rate (effective July 1, 2008) is $0.50 per mile. Subgrantees are encouraged to review their organization’s Operational Cost per Vehicle Mileage Rate for non-personal vehicle usage to ensure full reimbursement of the state mileage rate.

Example: If your agency’s documented average cost per vehicle mile rate is $0.40 per mile, you may be reimbursed the entire mileage rate amount, as the $0.40 rate is below the current state rate.

Example: If your agency’s documented average cost per vehicle mile rate is $0.885, you may be reimbursed up to the current state rate. The balance may be used as match. Or if reimbursement is not requested, the entire $0.885 per mile may be used as match.

Please see the MileageCostPerVehicleCalculator for more information.

Enter the organization’s travel expenses for Non Enforcement Mileage, Air Fare, Hotel Expenses, Total Meals, Vehicle Rental, and Other expenses in the Unit Price box and the Quantity box.

Click on the Save button to calculate.

Allocate the amounts by entering the TxDOT and Match amounts in the appropriate boxes. (Note: The allocated amounts must equal the calculated total amount).

Attach documentation to support each travel expenditure, i.e., invoice, receipt, etc. To attach a document click the Browse button, navigate to the location on your computer or on your network where the file is located, click the file you want to attach, and then click the Open button.

After entering information into the system, click the Save button. When the page is saved, the document is uploaded to the server. To view the document that was attached, simply click the link to the file. If the document is changed before the RFR is submitted, the document must be deleted and reattached to the RFR.

Once completed, click the Save button.

Note: Subgrantees should ensure that the organization’s policies are updated to reflect the new State mileage rate in order to receive full reimbursement for the rate.

Note: The state rate for reimbursement for a hotel room is $85 per night, not including applicable state, city, county and other local taxes. The taxes are reimbursable expenses and can be added to the $85 per night rate.

Example: An employee stays one night at a hotel at the state of Texas rate of $85. The receipt will show the $85 room rate plus applicable taxes. Reimbursable expenses include:

Hotel Room $85.00
State Occupancy Tax $5.10
City Occupancy Tax $5.95
Total Hotel Cost $96.05

Note: The state rate for reimbursement for meals cannot exceed $36 per day. Subgrantees must adhere to local policies; however, TxDOT does not allow for a $36 daily per diem. Instead all meals are reimbursed based on actual costs incurred. The eGrants system, as well as many program/project managers, will request that receipts be submitted to substantiate all costs incurred.

Provide any comments in the Comments box.

Notice that the Travel and Per Diem Page has an ADD button, meaning that multiple pages can be saved. Therefore, a subgrantee can submit travel expenses several different ways. For example, if multiple people have traveled for the reporting period, all travel expenses can be entered for one individual on one page. Save the page. Click on the ADD button to create a new Travel and Per Diem Page, then enter all travel expensed for that individual and Save the Page.