Table of Contents

Salaries and Fringe Benefits (100 & 200)

Enter salaries and fringe (100 & 200) benefits for personnel who worked the grant for this reporting period. Subgrantee's employees listed on a Request for Reimbursement (RFR) should be listed in the grant agreement.

To substantiate expenditures listed, the subgrantee must attach either an:

1. RFR Outlay Detail sheet - summary or list of documentation to support salary and fringe expenditures, or a

2. Financial Statement showing employee salaries and fringe benefits paid for this reporting period.

The RFR Outlay Detail sheet or the Financial Statement should include:

Each item must be clearly identified, and all figures verified.

eGrants allows for attachments. Only one attachment per upload page. Each file uploaded must be less than 4MB. File types accepted: bmp, doc, docx, gif, jpg, pdf, png, ppt. tif, txt, wpd, xls, xlsx.
To attach a document, select Browse, locate your file, click Open. Then, click Save to upload to eGrants.
To view the attachment, click the file's link. When an attachment is modified, the attachment must be deleted, and the modified version re-attached.

A project manager may request that all source documents including time sheets, invoices, and other records of costs incurred be submitted with the RFR.

Example - three employees work the grant: Project Director, Financial Director, Administrative Assistant. Because there are 3 individuals, 3 pages will have to be added/saved.

A subgrantee grant includes three employees that will work the grant. They are a project director, financial director and an administrative assistant. As there are three individuals, three (3) pages will have to be saved under Salaries and Fringe Benefits (100 & 200)

  1. Position/Title:Project Director
  2. Comments - enter details, comments, if any
  3. Upload attachments
  4. Allocate salary paid by placing amount in the TxDOT or Match fields under (100) Salaries Amount.
  5. Allocate fringe benefits paid by placing amount the TxDOT or Match fields under (200) Fringe Benefits Amount.

Select Add to create another Salary and Fringe Benefits page. After you save multiple pages, a drop-down field appears at - in the upper right area of the page to indicate that you have 3 pages saved.

Save your work - Every 15 minutes eGrants times out, whether you're typing or not.