Table of Contents

Performance Narrative

Highlights or accomplishments is a required field. List the highlights or accomplishments during this reporting month.
Additional text may be entered into the Comments field at the bottom of the page or attached on the Attachments page.
What you talk about in this field should be in line with what you are claiming on your RFR.

Questions 2 - 4 are Yes-No questions. If Yes, please provide pertinent details. If No, then a description is not necessary.

Question 2 is to record problems, delays that may have impeded performance during this reporting period, toward meeting established goals for this grant. For example: inclement weather

Question 4, budget issues, underruns or overruns, should be explained here. A large overrun could result in the grant ending early, or may result in reduction of grant activities initially planned for the year.
If it appears, during the last quarter of the grant year, that an underrun is expected to exceed $5,000, contact your program manager to discuss possibility of amending the grant amount to allow for reallocation of funds to another project.

Additional Comments can be entered into field 5.

Remember to Save your work - Every 15 minutes eGrants times out, whether you're typing or not.

eGrants allows for attachments. Only one attachment per upload page. Each file uploaded must be less than 4MB. File types accepted: bmp, doc, docx, gif, jpg, pdf, png, ppt, tif, txt, wpd, xls, xlsx.
To attach a document, select Browse, locate your file, click Open. Then, click Save to upload to eGrants. To view the attachment, click the file's link. When an attachment is modified, the attachment must be deleted, and the modified version re-attached.