2004 English Special Provisions to Item 447 - Structural Bolting (All)

SP447-002  PDF  RTF   - Limits the time between installation of bolts and final tensioning to 10 days and revises the tolerances for turn-of-the-nut tightening to be in line with national bolt specifications. Required on all projects with Item 447 beginning with the January 2006 letting. Replaces SP447-001 . (Change Memo: de-42-05). Statewide Use.
SP447-001  PDF  RTF   - Provides for faying surface preparation to be performed immediately prior to assembling a bolted connection. Required on all projects with Item 447 beginning with the January 2005 letting. Replaced by SP447-002 . (Change Memo: de-61-04). Statewide Use.

2004 English Special Provisions by Item (All)
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