Motor Vehicle Traffic Crash Data
We maintain an automated database of all reported motor vehicle traffic crashes in Texas.
Federal highway safety laws require the state to create this crash database for use in obtaining federal safety improvement funds. Section 409 of Title 23 of the United States Code, forbids the discovery and admission into evidence of reports, data, or other information compiled or collected for activities required pursuant to Federal highway safety programs, or for the purpose of developing any highway safety construction improvement project, which may be implemented utilizing federal-aid highway funds, in tort litigation arising from occurrences at the locations addressed in such documents or data. Information that is not available to a party in civil litigation, may be confidential under state law, pursuant to Tex. Gov't. Code Sec. 552.111.
The records retention schedule approved by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission for crash data and reports is the current calendar year plus the 10 previous calendar years. Data for years beyond this period are not available. Each year TxDOT will continue to add one year to the retention schedule until the 10-year retention schedule is met.
As per Sec 550.065 of the Texas Transportation Code, not all reported motor vehicle crash information is releasable.
Crash Data Request
You may download a Texas Motor Vehicle Crash Statistics annual report.
For location-specific data or information not published, please complete and submit the online request form below.
Note: In order to ensure efficient service, please provide all required information. If we need additional data to complete your request, we will contact you.
*Required information