Texas Transportation Commission Awards First Projects Funded With Prop 1 Money
Work to begin in seven districts across state
AUSTIN – One month after allocating funding to 200 road projects across the state, the Texas Transportation Commission today awarded the first batch of Proposition 1 contracts. The nine projects approved are located in seven of the Texas Department of Transportation’s districts, and total more than $52 million. More than 90 percent of the funding for these much-needed road projects comes from the extra $1.74 billion for transportation funding available this year as a result of Texas voters approving Proposition 1 last November.
“Texans sent a clear message last November that funding transportation projects is paramount, and TxDOT is working diligently to deliver these projects with integrity and in the most efficient and effective manner,” said TxDOT Executive Director LtGen Joe Weber, USMC (Ret). “This investment in infrastructure is welcome news for commuters, travelers, businesses and industry, as well as all proponents of a safe and connected transportation system.”
In total, the 200 Proposition1 projects will result in more than 800 miles of rehabilitated highways; nearly 500 miles of new highway lanes; 114 bridges replaced, widened or rehabilitated; and an additional 159 miles of passing lanes on rural highways. Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and TxDOT Districts worked together and with the public to formulate the list of projects.
In addition to addressing congestion, Proposition 1 funding also addresses safety. Over the past five years, there were 248 fatalities and more than 23,000 crashes on the highway segments where these Proposition 1 funded projects are located. The work planned in these areas will enhance safety for drivers, helping reduce the number of crashes, fatalities and injuries.
For more information, contact TxDOT Media Relations at MediaRelations@txdot.gov or (512) 463-8700.