TxDOT Seeing Improvement with TxTag Customer Service
Expansion of call centers, more service representatives, improved Web experience
AUSTIN – In an effort to address increased customer service demands related to recent TxTAG billing activities, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) has added people and resources and is beginning to see improvement in service levels and customer issue resolution. For example, just this week average customer wait times on the phone have been cut by more than half.
TxDOT vendor Xerox has expanded to three call centers around the state, added more than 60 new customer service representatives to answer the phones, and is working to expand those capabilities as needed. TxDOT is going to partner with the Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority and its toll service provider to co-locate customer service representatives in both operations to improve phone service to our shared customers.
The average amount of time a customer has to wait before speaking to a customer service representative has declined from just under 13 minutes on Monday down to 4 minutes on Thursday. As those times continue to decrease, TxTag will be able to address more questions and resolve customer issues quicker.
Also this week, Xerox made improvements to the TxTag.org website that will make it easier for customers to communicate with TxTag and resolve their issues online. There is now an easier way to login, better tools for customers to understand their statements and simplified web navigation. Web usage and pay-by-web activity is increasing. TxDOT will continue to seek improvements to our website to improve its ease of use.
TxDOT is committed to correcting any inaccurate billing, helping customers settle their accounts and improving their overall experience.
“We know that resolving issues will not happen overnight, but we are listening to all concerned parties, are taking immediate action, and seeing progress,” said TxDOT Executive Director LtGen. Joe Weber, USMC (Ret). “TxDOT and Xerox are committed to improving the customer experience and fully understand the importance of fixing all problems.”
TxDOT encourages customers with questions about their TxTag accounts to visit TxTag.org. They also can reach TxTag customer service representatives by calling 888-468-9824.
For more information, contact TxDOT Media Relations at MediaRelations@txdot.gov or (512) 463-8700.