Give the Gift of Texas this Year
TxDOT offers Lone Star gifts for every friend, family member
AUSTIN – In time for holiday travel and shopping, the Texas Department of Transportation today announces the availability of discounted tickets to Texas attractions, “Don’t Mess with Texas” cowboy boots and a new book titled “On the Road with Texas Highways,” featuring iconic Texas photography.
Texans can now purchase discounted tickets to top Texas attractions, including Schlitterbahn, Sea World and others at any of TxDOT’s Travel Information Centers located throughout the state. A great place to stop and rest while traveling, each center is staffed with a certified, professional travel counselor who can provide assistance with directions and information on points of interest, events and road conditions. Each center also offers a wide variety of travel literature and maps.
Also available are customized “Don’t Mess with Texas” cowboy boots. Proudly handcrafted by Justin Boots, these one-of-a-kind Texas boots help promote TxDOT’s world-famous, litter-prevention campaign and are available here and at Sheplers retail locations.
Another uniquely Texas gift idea is the book, “On the Road with Texas Highways: A Tribute to True Texas.” Compiling the work of professional magazine photographer J. Griffis “Griff” Smith, the book captures signature images of Texas icons and people, as well as historical and cultural landscapes. Featuring more than 294 color photos taken from Smith’s 30-year career at TxDOT, the book also includes an introduction by Texas outdoor enthusiast E. Dan Klepper. “On the Road with Texas Highways: A Tribute to True Texas” is available for purchase here.
For media inquiries, contact TxDOT Media Relations at or (512) 463-8700.