TxDOT Helps Motorists Drive Clean During Busy Holiday Season
New ‘Roadcents’ Web app enables drivers to access vehicle maintenance tips via smartphone, computer
AUSTIN – As drivers take to the roads for holiday shopping and family visits, the Texas Department of Transportation offers its new “Roadcents” Web app to reduce air pollution and keep vehicles well-maintained.
“We talk a lot about air pollution caused by vehicles during the warm summer months, but it’s also important for people to drive clean during the busy winter travel season,” said Margo Richards, TxDOT Travel Information Division director. “Seemingly innocent habits, such as warming up a car by idling a few minutes or postponing vehicle maintenance, can have big impacts on winter air quality.”
As part of its “Drive Clean Texas” campaign, TxDOT’s “Roadcents” smartphone Web app helps drivers save money at the pump and keep their vehicles road-ready. Along with helpful hints for keeping vehicles operating efficiently, the “Roadcents” app offers tips for reducing tailpipe emissions that contribute to air pollution.
“Roadcents” also gives drivers the tools to track vehicle maintenance and calculate how much they can save by changing their driving and vehicle maintenance habits. Drivers can receive email alerts when their vehicles are scheduled for maintenance; find nearby auto repair facilities and gas stations; and get tips on what to do in case of a roadside breakdown or collision.
A vehicle in peak condition produces fewer emissions, reduces the chance of a roadside breakdown and improves gas mileage. That’s important considering the American Automobile Association estimates 90 percent of holiday travel occurs by automobile.
Drivers can save as much as $845 a year in gas by driving more sensibly and changing aggressive driving habits like speeding and rapid starts and stops. Also, regular oil and fuel filter changes can save motorists more than $100 in annual gas spending.
This fall, TxDOT teamed up with the Dallas Cowboys to support the “Drive Clean Texas” campaign by giving one lucky Texan a donated 2015 Ford Fusion SE Hybrid as part of the “Drive Clean Texas Roadcents Sweepstakes.” Texas drivers age 18 and older have until 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 9, 2014, to enter the hybrid car sweepstakes at roadcents.org. Three finalists will receive two tickets to the Dec. 21 football game between the Dallas Cowboys and Indianapolis Colts. The sweepstakes grand prize winner will be randomly selected on Dec. 21 before the game.
To use “Roadcents,” visit Roadcents.org, create an account and enter vehicle information.
For media inquiries, contact TxDOT Media Relations at MediaRelations@txdot.gov or (512) 463-8700.