Border Highway West Project in El Paso Moves Forward with Selection of Developer
LUBBOCK — El Paso-area motorists can look forward to congestion relief on Loop 375 Border Highway West with today’s conditional approval of Abrams-Kiewit, Joint Venture as the developers for the project. At its meeting in Lubbock, the Texas Transportation Commission selected these companies to develop, design, construct and maintain the Loop 375 Border Highway West Extension Project from Racetrack Drive near Doniphan Road and New Mexico 273 (west of downtown) to US 54 (east of downtown).
“Last fall, El Paso placed No. 53 on Forbes’ coveted list of The Best Places for Business and Careers, a national ranking that clearly exhibits the tremendous growth and value of this area,” said Chairman Ted Houghton, Texas Transportation Commission. “We must do everything we can to accommodate this growth and help enhance commerce, and I can’t think of a better project to do that than the extension of Loop 375 Border Highway West.”
As a result of this tremendous growth, the area is also challenged when it comes to safety and mobility. To address these concerns, the 9-mile project also will include plans for improving regional travel and connectivity, and enhancing safety on Loop 375. Improved access to the University of Texas at El Paso, Fort Bliss, downtown and medical centers also will provide travel benefits to motorists. Proposed improvements include construction of a new four-lane, controlled-access toll facility that connects Loop 375 to US 85. All existing non-tolled lanes would remain non-tolled. Of the project’s total 9 miles, approximately 7 miles of newly-constructed lanes from Racetrack Drive to U.S. 54 will be tolled.
The project, which is being constructed in collaboration with the Camino Real Regional Mobility Authority (CRRMA), is expected to break ground in early 2015, with a tentative completion date by fall of 2017.